Postcards of Rage and Renewal


  • Visionary Futures Collective


  • Advocacy
  • COVID19
  • Higher Education

As we surpass one million lives lost to COVID in the US alone, we find ourselves grasping for ways to find meaning and grieve while continuing to live and work and care.

This project, a collaboration between the Visionary Futures Collective and the Inkcap Collective, emerged as a way to collectively channel and process our outrage towards the inadequacy of the pandemic response and to build our hope for the future.


  • Write on or decorate the postcards however you want.
  • Stamp one card and put it in the mail by August 1. (Stamp included)
  • Keep the other card, but share a photo:
  • If you wish, send us a $5 donation to help cover costs (venmo redacted)
  • Stay tuned for next steps. Based on what you share, we’ll be designing rituals and exhibitions of celebration, mourning, fury, and hope.

Two postcards in the grass. One says "rage" and has a floral background and a valve that says "climax relief valve." The other says "renewal" and shows flowers growing out of a toilet. Images are in black, neon pink, and neon green.