Writing in Markdown Writing an article in markdown Publishing a Digital Review In this course, you will be invited to share a critical reflection with the public on this course website.
Digital Scholarship Lab
- For help using the course website or uploading your Critical Review to GitHub, visit the Digital Scholarship Lab at the Benson.
- Office Hours: Wednesday 9-11 Friday 1-3.
- Schedule an appointment: email
- More Information:
Course Documents
- A student collaborator’s bill of rights
- Online Participation Contract
- Archival Studies Reading List
- Sample Lib-Guides
Sample Reviews of Digital Collections*
- American Archivist: Archival Technologies and Resources
- sx archipelagos
- SHARP News e-resources reviews
Digital Collections
Bibliographies of digital collections
- SALALM: Latin American & Caribbean Digital Primary Resource
- Crowdsourced: Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Digital Humanities Projects & Resources
- US Latinx DH projects database
Collections hosted by the University of Texas
- Texas Archival Resources Online
- Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional: UT Website; Guatemala website
- Latin American Digital Initiatives
- Radio Venceremos (Note that this requires http (not https) and Flash, so it might not work with phones, tablets, or browsers like Chrome. Try Firefox.)
- Gabriel García Márquez Archive Online
Colonial Collections hosted elsewhere
- Bureaucracy on the Ground in Colonial Mexico: The Visita of 1765
- Catalogación Colaborativa Fundación Histórica Neograndina: descripción y catalogación de documentación histórica perteneciente a los siglos XVI y XVII del fondo Notaría Segunda de Archivo Histórico Regional de Boyacá
- Catálogo Colectivo Marcas de Fuego
- Codex Mendoza
- Códices de México
- A Colony in Crisis
- La Biblioteca Digital de Pensamiento Novohispano
- Digital Aponte: A site dedicated to the life and work of José Antonio Aponte.
- Early Caribbean Digital Archive
- Escritos de Mujeres
- ”a multidisciplinary perspective of colonial Florida’s rich history”
- Liberated Africans: historical resources about liberated Africans in Cuba, Brazil, and Sierra Leone (images, court cases, documents)
- Lienzo de Quauhquechollan
- Mapping New York City’s Nineteenth-Century Latina/o Press
- Mesolore: a bilingual resource for scholars and students of Mesoamerica.
- Mesoamerican Painted Manuscripts at Tulane University’s Latin American Library
- Multepal : thematic research collection of the Popol Wuj
- Musical Passage: A Voyage to 1688 Jamaica
- Nahuatl/Nawat: Compilación y transcripción de documentos náhuatl/náwat centroamericanos
- PESSCA: Project on the Engraved Sources of Spanish Colonial Art
- Primeros Libros de las Américas: repository of early American printed books
- Power of Attorney: a geography of indigenous legal culture through digital maps and visualizations.
- Reading the First Books: Multilingual, early modern OCR for Primeros Libros
- Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761
- Spanish Paleography Tool
- Texas Slavery Project
- Texas Domestic Slave Trade Project
- TICHA: A digital text explorer for colonial Zapotec.
- Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database
- Wired Humanities Projects
- Nahuatl Dictionary
- Mapas Project
- VISTAS: colonial art history
- Voyages: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade