I write, speak, and develop projects about building a better future for higher education.
I believe that the humanities and higher education are fundamental to our collective good. I am working towards a future where our educational institutions reflect those values. We are not there yet.
Towards a better future for higher education
(Interview) Finding Your Purpose in HE

Where the Money Resides

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose with the High Theory Podcast

What’s Hope Got to Do With It?

Postcards of Rage and Renewal

Transparency, Vulnerability, and Collective Action

Caregivers Survey

Academic Tarot

Open letter to my friend, who I love, who wants to get a PhD in literature

Visionary Futures Collective

In and Beyond the Digital: Career Pathways for Humanists

Alt-Ac’s Shining Moment

What the humanities do in a crisis

Keynote: In Parentheses

Academic Job Market Support Network

Postdoctoral Laborers Bill of Rights
